
Filtering by: Implementations
1:00 PM13:00

Implementation: Water Management Projects at Hogs & Hens Urban Farm

This month we’re hosted by Heather and Bob Butler of Hogs & Hens Urban Farm in Dayton, Ohio. Join us for a tour of their space and discussion of water management challenges and solutions. We’ll then help Bob & Heather with installing an irrigation project onsite. Learn valuable skills from experienced farmers while connecting with others in nature - even in the city. Open to all experience levels, registration requested. This is a private residence; address will be provided to registrants prior to the event.


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2:00 PM14:00

Implementation: Spring Planting with Eden Urban Gardens

  • 33 Clinton Springs Avenue Cincinnati, OH, 45217 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This month we’re hosted by April Pandora of Eden Urban Farms, an organic farming operation in urban Cincinnati. Learn valuable skills from experienced farmers while connecting with others in nature - even in the city. Open to all experience levels, registration requested. This is a private residence; address will be provided to registrants prior to the event.


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1:00 PM13:00

Implementation: Prep the Nursery for Spring

Part of our 2025 schedule of Implementation Learning Days on the 3rd Sunday of each month

At Growing Value Nursery
824 Enright Ave. Cincinnati, OH 45205
3/16/25, 1:00-4:00pm.
We’ll be preparing soil for potting plants at the nursery, creating signage and supports, and possibly doing some grafting. Please dress for the weather with sturdy footwear and work gloves.

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12:00 PM12:00

Implementation: Pruning Fruit Trees & Vines

Part of our 2025 schedule of Implementation Learning Days on the 3rd Sunday of each month

At Dater Montessori School
2840 Boudinot Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45238
3/2/25, 12:00-3:00pm.
We’ll be pruning fruit trees and vines as part of the Westwood Grows orchard maintenance project. Please dress for the weather with sturdy footwear and work gloves.

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1:00 PM13:00

RESCHEDULED FOR MARCH 2: Pruning Fruit Trees & Vines

Part of our 2025 schedule of Implementation Learning Days on the 3rd Sunday of each month


New Date:

At Dater Montessori School
2840 Boudinot Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45238
3/2/25, 12:00-3:00pm.
We’ll be pruning fruit trees and vines as part of the Westwood Grows orchard maintenance project. Please dress for the weather with sturdy footwear and work gloves.

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1:00 PM13:00

Permaculture Talk: Winter in the Food Forest

  • 2590 Lawrenceburg Ferry Road Petersburg, KY, 41080 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FORMERLY: Implementation: Terracing & Forest Restoration at Treasure Lake, Part of our 2025 schedule of Implementation Learning Days on the 3rd Sunday of each month

Weather is preventing us from doing terracing at Treasure Lake this month, but instead, our host Doug Crouch will give an online talk about what to do in your food forest and around your homestead over these cold winter months.

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1:00 PM13:00

Implementation Day: Trellising & Bed Designs

For this Implementation Day, together with April Pandora of Eden Urban Gardens, we will be building a trellis for next year's tomatoes using upcycled posts and welded wire, learning the tools and tricks, and covering different bed design benefits and challenges.

Eden Urban Gardens is a Certified Organic Farm located in Pleasant Ridge and Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio and run by CPI graduate April Pandora. We will be at 33 Clinton Springs Ave 45217. Street parking available and restrooms around the corner. Dress for the weather - please wear tennis shoes or boots!

Implementation Days are envisioned as an “advanced” level of our permaculture education, and PDC graduates and certificate holders are eligible. If you have not taken a PDC, you may still participate in implementation days; however, these are not intended as introductory classes or substitutes for a permaculture design course

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1:00 PM13:00

Implementation Day: Planting Garlic & Winterizing Chives

For this Implementation Day, April Pandora of Eden Urban Gardens will be teaching us how to prepare and plant garlic beds, and prune and care for perennials like chives, Chinese leeks and Egyptian Onions for upcoming winter months!

Eden Urban Gardens is a Certified Organic Farm located in Pleasant Ridge and Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio and run by CPI graduate April Pandora. We will be at 33 Clinton Springs Ave 45217. Street parking available and restrooms around the corner. Dress for the weather - please wear tennis shoes or boots!

Implementation Days are envisioned as an “advanced” level of our permaculture education, and PDC graduates and certificate holders are eligible. If you have not taken a PDC, you may still participate in implementation days; however, these are not intended as introductory classes or substitutes for a permaculture design course

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9:00 AM09:00

Implementation Day: Berry Patch Planting

  • One Earth Collaborative Sanctuary (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us as we visit One Earth Collaborative Sanctuary in Oregonia, Ohio, right along the Little Miami River. Our host Ryan Cappo has a design for a "beautiful, thoughtfully arranged, organic perennial berry + herb garden" by designer Lauren Craig of Humble Hive Consulting in Dayton and has been working on implementing its starting phases at the sanctuary. The design includes sheet mulched space, walkways, strawberry borders, and berry trellises, with plantings of bee balm, blackberries, blueberries, chives, lavender, lemon balm, raspberries, sage, thyme, and yarrow.

During this Implementation Day, we will be helping Ryan install the berry trellises and plant the berries in an area he has already prepared with sheet mulch. We can also show you some of the other installations in progress at One Earth Collaborative, including the vegetable and herb gardens, the kids garden, and forest paths with wild flora to forage.

Implementation Days are free and open to current and former PDC students. Events may be canceled in event of inclement or unsafe weather. Please check your email for updates in advance.

Info about One Earth Collaborative Sanctuary: Parking is on grass/dirt. Portapotty available. No Wi-fi, electricity, or running water. Berry patch is in full sun; sun protection highly recommended. One Earth Collaborative Sanctuary is located at the corner of Oregonia and Emmons Rd.

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9:00 AM09:00

CANCELLED! Implementation Day: Using Animals for Soil Enrichment

  • 6234 Belfast Road Goshen, OH, 45122 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Unfortunately, we're having to call this one off, but this won't be the last time it's available! We're working hard behind the scenes to line up Implementations and Design Jams for when the weather is a little more outdoor-education-friendly Get on our newsletter list to make sure you don't miss out!

Learn more about our Permaculture Implementation program.

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10:00 AM10:00

Working in Neighborhoods Permaculture Intro Workshop

Learn about Cincinnati Permaculture Institute’s new Food Production Champions Program, launching this summer in the neighborhoods of Westwood, South Cumminsville and the Beekman Corridor.

For more information or to RSVP, call (513) 541-4109 ext. 103 or email

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12:00 PM12:00

Implementation Day: Urban Farming 101 with April Pandora

  • 33 Clinton Springs Avenue Cincinnati, OH, 45217 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our new Implementation Days bring our PDC graduates and teachers together to dig deeper into specific permaculture skills and install projects at select sites around Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. These intermediate-level workshops are recommended for PDC graduates only and offered as a continuing education opportunity.

Eden Urban Gardens is a Certified Organic Farm located in Pleasant Ridge and Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio and run by CPI graduate April Pandora. This two-day implementation event, Urban Farming 101, includes working with hand tools, manage irrigation, plant, weed, mulch.

Space is limited. Use this form to sign up for Implementation Days.

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9:00 AM09:00

Implementation Day: Urban Farming 101 with April Pandora

  • 33 Clinton Springs Avenue Cincinnati, OH, 45217 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our new Implementation Days bring our PDC graduates and teachers together to dig deeper into specific permaculture skills and install projects at select sites around Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. These intermediate-level workshops are recommended for PDC graduates only and offered as a continuing education opportunity.

Eden Urban Gardens is a Certified Organic Farm located in Pleasant Ridge and Avondale, Cincinnati, Ohio and run by CPI graduate April Pandora. This two-day implementation event, Urban Farming 101, includes working with hand tools, manage irrigation, plant, weed, mulch.

Space is limited. Use this form to sign up for Implementation Days.

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9:00 AM09:00

Implementation Day: Spring Planting at the Shire

  • 18 Wallace Avenue Florence, KY, 41042 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Implementation Events are open to PDC graduates and teachers as a continuing education opportunity .

For this event, we will be working with PDC grads David and Nora Brown to implement a Phase One design at their homestead in Florence, KY.

Use this form to sign up for Implementation Days

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9:00 AM09:00

Implementation Day: Perennial Plantings

  • 6057 Cook Road Milford, OH, 45150 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Implementation Events are open to PDC graduates and teachers as a continuing education opportunity .

For this event, we will be working with PDC grad, teacher and author Amy Stross to implement some perennial food forest plantings at her homestead in east Cincinnati.

Use this form to sign up for Implementation Days.

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