This has been another great year of sharing, learning, and gaining momentum in our mission to catalyze a resilient culture in our bioregion. Below are just a few of the highlights:
Growing Value Nursery: 175+ Varieties Available Starting Spring 2024
Cincinnati Permaculture Institute’s Growing Value Nursery carries a specialized selection of edible perennial trees, shrubs, bushes, and berries, along with complimentary plantings for your food forests and guilds, such as flowers to attract pollinators and perennial ground covers. This rare selection has been curated over the years to include the varieties and species that perform well in our local bio-region and includes many edibles that are hard to find at traditional nurseries and garden centers. By shopping at Growing Value, you help support CPI’s mission to catalyze a resilient culture in Cincinnati.
Below is a list of all of the plants we expect to have available for sale starting this spring. However, this list may not reflect our current inventory, so if you are looking for something specific or want to ask before you buy, please feel free to reach out by email or call (513) 259-3504 for the most up to date information.
Anise hyssop
Apple, Arkansas Black
Apple, Domestic
Apple, Enterprise
Apple, Gold Rush
Apple, Grimes Golden
Apple, Liberty
Apple, Pristine
Apple, Zestar
Aroniaberry/Chokeberry, Nero
Aroniaberry/Chokeberry, Viking
Asian Pear, Hosui
Asian Pear, Shinsui
Asian pear, Tennosui
Asian pear, Yoinashi
Asparagus, Purple passion
Basswood/Linden, Native
Black Locust
Blackberry, Arkansas Prime
Blackberry, Osage
Blackberry, Triple Crown
Blueberry, Blueray
Blueberry, Bonus
Blueberry, Duke
Blueberry, Jersey
Blueberry, Northland
Blueberry, Patriot
Bur Oak
Cherry, Carmine Jewel
Cherry, Chelan
Cherry, Coral Champaign
Cherry, Evans
Cherry, Lapins
Cherry, Sam
Cherry, Skeena
Cherry, Sweetheart
Cherry, Tart, Mt. Morancy
Chestnut, Chinese
Currant, Black Consort
Currant, Black Titania
Currant, Pink Champagne
Currant, Red Cherry
Currant, Red Jonkheer Van Tets
Currant, Red Lake
Currant, White Primus
Dogwood, Cornelian Cherry
Dogwood, Gray (Native)
Dwarf Mulberry
Egyptian walking onion
Elderberry, Adams
Elderberry, Bob Gordon
Elderberry, Marge
Elderberry, Native
Elderberry, Nova
Elderberry, York
False Indigo (Baptisia)
False Indigo, (Amorpha)
Fig, Olympian
Goji Berry, Crimson Star
Gooseberry, Amish red
Gooseberry, Black Velvet
Gooseberry, Captivator
Gooseberry, Hinnomaki red
Gooseberry, Pixwell
Goumi Berry, Carmine
Goumi Berry, Sweet Scarlet
Grape, Agria
Grape, Mars
Grape, Niagra
Grape, Reliance
Green Hawthorn
Groumi, Red Gem
Hazelnut, American
Hazelnut, beaked
Hazelnut, Jefferson
Hican, Clarksville
Hican, Dooley Burton
Hican, Mcallister
Honeyberry, Aurora
Honeyberry, Boreal Beast
Honeyberry, Boreal Beauty
Honeyberry, Czech
Honeyberry, Tundra
Hops, Fugle
Hops, Nugget
Hops, Sterling
Jostaberry, black
Jostaberry, Red
Jujubee, Shanxi Li
Kentucky Coffee tree, Native
Kiwi, Anna
Kiwi, Male
Kiwi, MI State
Mountain Ash
Mountain Mint
Nettle, Skinny, Native
Nettle, Stinging
Pawpaw, Mange
Pawpaw, Native
Pawpaw, NC-1
Pawpaw, PA golden
Pawpaw, Sunflower
Peach, Gala
Peach, Red Haven
Pear, Magness
Pear, Potomac
Pear, Shenandoah
Pecan, Kanza
Persimmon, American
Persimmon, Asian
Plum, American
Plum, chickasaw
Plum, Satsuma
Prickly pear
Quince, Champion
Raspberry, Boyne Red
Raspberry, Double Gold
Raspberry, Heritage Red
Raspberry, Jewel Black
Raspberry, Purple Royalty
Raspberry, Yellow Anne
Red Cedar (Juniper)
Red Mulberry (Native)
Red Oak
Rhubarb, Green victoria
Rhubarb,Crimson Red
Rose, Rugosa
Seaberry, Frugana
Seaberry, Golden Sweet
Seaberry, Male
Serviceberry, Downy (Native)
Serviceberry, Northline
Serviceberry, Regent
Serviceberry, Western
Siberian Peashrub
Sochan/ Cutleaf Coneflower, Native
Solomon Seal
Spicebush, Native
Strawberry, AC Valley
Strawberry, Gensics
Strawberry, Honey
Strawberry, Jewel
Strawberry, Native
Sumac, Staghorn
Sunchokes/Jerusalem artichoke
Super spur Mayhaw
Swamp Rose, Native
Swamp White Oak
Sweet Annie
Sweet Flag (Acorus americana)
Sweetshrub/carolina allspice
Trifoliate Orange
White Pine
White Sagebrush
Wild Ginger, Native
Wineberry, Red
Wisteria, Native
Witch hazel, Native